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Elemental Womb

September 23-26th 2022

Sacred Mountain Waters Retreat

Marshall, North Carolina


The womb whispers are howling for us to return to the sacred and wild realms of the Divine Feminine.

Elemental Womb Immersion is an invitation back to the wisdom and living mysteries of the body and the roots of divine feminine temple arts. In a 4 day and 3 night immersion into elemental ceremony, embodied Temple Arts, and the sacred web of sisterhood, we will dive into the erotic innocence and deep wisdom of the sacred feminine















In a time where the Divine Feminine Shakti is rising within and upon the Earth & the structures of society continue to reveal the trauma it is built upon, gathering in circles of woman is the most powerful and empowering act we can possibly make. We are being activated on a cellular and genetic level through the consciousness of Gaia. There is a deep remembrance that activates in our bodies when we circle with sisters and call forth the Goddess within All. Breaking down the patriarchal ways we have been separated and meeting,.

heart to heart,

womb to womb,

remembering the power of the circle.

We remember together,

in sisterhood,

the deep gnosis that lives within the body

and the body of Gaia Sophia( Mother Earth).


This gnosis is deep embodied knowing.


It is the experiential knowing from within the body that informs the consciousness Truth. 






































  • Elemental Ceremony & Initiation

Fire Ceremony

Water Blessing

Clay Ritual

Breath Journey

  • Arts of Self Sourcing 

  • Somatic connection & nervous system care

  • Sensorium : Sensory Awakening Ritual

  • Embodied Relating

  • Ecstatic Dance & Cacao Ceremony

  • Embodied Temple Arts & Taoist Tantra

  • Drum Journey : Dreaming with Ancestors

  • Journal explorations

  • Embodied group ritual photo shoot

Heading 5

This Immersion is an invitation into elemental connection & ceremony while weaving threads of feminine embodiment, Temple Arts and womb wisdom together. We will cultivate and co-create a space to come into deeper harmony and relationship with the elemental allies, Mother Earth, and Self.

Womankind is intimately connected to the hidden language of the elements and all of creation. The gnosis of sophia is seeded in every womb, like a red thread that weaves us all together in this remembrance. Through the cycles and seasons, and through the inner seasons of a womans moon cycle, the womb mirrors a sacred link between the worlds.

The womb is the gateway to the infinite and opens the doors to deeper embodiment of the Souls authentic expression.

The feminine path is a path of descension, contrasting the modern spiritual cultures  preaching ascension, feminine gnosis is the remembrance of the deep wisdom of the void, the womb, and the inherent cycles of natura sophia. This wisdom of nature guides the path of the priestess and is foundational in the Mysteries of Feminine Temple Arts.

Ceremony's and Practices

in this immersion we will. . .

Explore and deepen your relationship to the elements (Fire, water, air, earth, ether) through embodiment and ceremony.
Dive deep into the wisdom of your body, the womb space, and the cycles of nature.
Rewild and reconnect to the primal and intuitive essence  

Experience the arts of self sourcing your life force with Taoist Tantric Arts and Shakti embodiment  

Return to deep communion within your body temple.

Learn to drop in deeper to the womb and her wild primordial wisdom.

Integrate the medicine wheel of the archetypal feminine, ( maiden, mother, crone, & wild woman.)

Attune to the somatic body and receive tools to alchemize emotions and regulate the nervous system.

Connect to the deeper intuitive senses of the womb oracle.

Explore safe eco erotic and sensual connection to self, nature, and sisterhood.

Learn to cultivate deeper relationships to the elements,

your body temple, and Mother Earth Rekindle the flames of Magdalene and your souls archetypal embodiment in this lifetime.

To Apply Click Below



This immersion will take place on 200 acres of sacred lands nestled in the Mountains of North Carolina at a retreat center named Sacred Mountain Waters. With a beautiful 2 mile stretch of river, many trails to get lost upon, and a barrel style wood sauna and hot tub that you will have access to throughout the weekend, this immersion offers an opportunity to deeply restore and connect back to Mother Earth and to self. There is a Yome structure that will be our Temple space for the weekend and indoor accommodations available in the main house that all will have access to.




Meals will be provided Friday evening through Monday morning, 3x a day with snacks, tea, and other treats provided throughout the weekend.



As an earth sign there is nothing that brings Parker more joy than nourishing bellies with abundant, beautiful and sensual meals provided by local farmers and uncultivated spaces alike. Parker has a background in plantbased, gluten-free, sugar-free and wild-crafted cuisine. She is also a devotee of the feminine arts, so meals for this event will have a special twist of Shakti and will be specifically curated for womb holders as they are held in this container. 

Lodging Options

-Camping on property next to the River

-Private rooms (limited)

-Shared spaces (Limited)

Parker Nayman

Meet Your Guides


Grace Asharah

In her devotion to Mother Earth and the evolution of consciousness, Grace Asharah has journeyed many pathways of wisdom and embodiment in her commitment to "Know thy Self" and for liberation. Her devotion and connection to Sophia & Great Mystery has been her compass while walking the path of her own spiral evolution & healing journey. Grace holds ceremonial space for deep inner communion & alchemy to support woman in their awakening, rewilding, and remembering of their divine service upon Gaia and the living mythos that is their birthright to embody.  She serves as a mirror, catalyst, and sacred space for individuals to remember who they are and authenticly embody their souls expression. She is deeply passionate about embodiment and uncovering the feminine mysteries through the wisdom in the body temple and shares these passions through the arts of ceremony, Temple arts, feminine embodiment, & ritual arts. 

Upon her journey she has studied at Kriaplu for a 200 hr YTT, studied & practices advaita, Non dual self inquiry & mantra, received Healing Touch certification (level 3), self studied crystal, sound, & somatic therapy, explored the arts of shamanic drum journeying, ancestral healing & drum making, Studied Magdalene Mysteries & feminine archetypes with teachers such as Meggan Watterson, Immersed into indigenous ceremonies such as Taino & Lakota sweat lodge, Taino Ceremonial Dance, Moon dance (Costa Rica), Plant Medicine Ceremony & Vision Quest. She has studied with Earth Priestess Arts & and apprentices with Wise Earth Way, practicing  herbalism & regenerative earth practices. In the last year and a half she has been studying with the Priestess of the Rose and communing deeper with the path of the Rose & Grail lineages and Venusian cycles. In her desire to continue to grow and refine the skills that support holding space for individuals and Self upon the path of awakening, she continues to unravel, learn, and listen to the whispers that guides the wild & holy path.


Anaia Sundara

Anaia Sundara is an Embodiment Facilitator, Certified Womb Practitioner, Somatic Guide & Trauma Informed Coach. Her connection and relationship to the Earth has been her number one teacher and inspiration. 

She carries powerful embodied medicine for women to remember the sacredness of their womb’s, their connection to the earth and to awaken their purpose and service in the world. 
She invokes deep sacred space through a variety of avenues in ritual, ceremonial, and priestess temple arts & gently guides women back into connection with their bodies through these ancient teachings.   

Anaia is a NARM Trauma Informed Professional, Attunement Therapists, Certified Womb Practitioner, Certified Polyvagal informed, Studied with Diane Poole Heller in: Attachment Strategies for Adult Relationships/ Attachment Mastery Program Level 2, Studied with Ray Castellino in: Dropping into Prenatal and Perinatal Implicit Memory with Ease, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (Level 3), Yoga 200 hr RYT (emphasis on Restorative Yoga) and Self Studies Continuum Somatic Movement. She is always expanding her knowledge to continue to develop more skills to support the people she works with and the containers she holds.

Write to Anaia Sundara


Financial Reciprocity

Private Room : $1,444


Shared Space: $999


Camping: $777

*Payment plans are available upon request in application*

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