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Sessions & Offerings



Anchoring your central channel & divine sovereign connection to life force energy

Self sourcing is the art of mastering your own sovereign life force without extending outside of yourself for pleasure, sustenance, peace, validation and support. This work serves to rewire the energetic bodies to source energy from the Earth and Central Sun, opening up more access to divine life force|Kundalini energy and cultivating a strong internal support system between you and spirit.  These sessions weave together temple arts, womb wisdom, emotional alchemy, embodiment through breath-sound-movement and elemental connection. This work holds many layers that involve unraveling and shedding the layers that have potentially blocked your full access to life force through trauma in this life or past.  We walk through the 4 pillars of Self Sourcing to create a strong foundation of self sustaining energy for your life to grow from.

living in alignment with the divine is your birthright

Forging a strong relationship to the central channel, Kundalini pathway and microcosmic orbit through Taoist Tantric arts, embodied movement, elemental connection and willingness to revitalize the relationship to our sexual life force to live your fullest and most expressive life. This work is for anyone seeking to cultivate deeper union & alchemical love within one self, come into deeper mastery of your own energy, and optimally work with your sexual energy to embody your fullest expression into this world.


1 one on one session:: Discovery exploration :: 2 Hours

Full Moon Cycle exploration:: 4 live calls, video meditations & embodiment offerings

Inquire below for more information

Womb Attunement

connect to the living wisdom & voice of the womb

The womb of woman is the holy grail that holds the living sacred waters of life. This water and blood move with cycles that are intimately in relationship with nature herself. When woman come back into relationship with their womb space, whether you have a womb or not, you reclaim the lost and forgotten love & power that can restore this world. Living in relationship to the womb and your cycle brings you into deeper union with the earth, your creative expression, and your own power. We all have access to the divine fountains of shakti that flood through us and into this world. The womb is a portal of creative shakti life force, a cauldron of creation energy where limitless potential lives. Women in this modern world are facing many issues in the womb, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have walked through thousands of years of women being forced to live disconnected to their own rhythms and magick. In these profoundly accelerated times of shifting, woman kind have a beautiful opportunity to rewrite the stories of their lineages and the collective narratives that have been over ruling the soverign creatrix.

What lives deep within, in that space where emotions and experiences get stored and not always fully processed?

These sessions are for womban who are seeking to dive deep into the wisdom of the body & womb space, restore their relationship to pleasure and receptivity in the body, & reclaim the ancient voice & embodiment of the divine feminine in their lives.

These sessions include:

  • Embodiment & shakti yoga practices

  • Womb & yoni breathing

  • Self Sourcing Arts

  • Ancestral lineage clearing- tuning into matriarchal lineages

  • Emotional alchemy :: chord clearings from past lovers & past lives

  • Exploration of Goddess Archetypes

  • Reclaiming the power of your menstrual cycle

  • Inner Alchemy

  • Womb- Voice connection

  • Reconnection to pleasure and sensation in the body

  • Rising into greater trust of your intuition & wombs internal compass

  • Awakening sexual energy to revitilize and regulate your body

  • Restore your relationship to Shakti energy 


One on One:: 2 hour Womb Connection Session

One on One:: Private package creation :: Create a plan that works for you::

Reach out Below

rose womb.jpg

soul Voice Sessions


Soul Voice Sessions are a series of 4 sessions that create a container of reclamation and alignment to the souls voice that lives within. Learning to discern what is the voice of the soul & what is the voice of the mind is a process of mindfulness and ever deeper listening & trust. These sessions take you on a journey through layers of your psyche & self expression to unravel the deeper layers & shadows that support the suppressive narratives that limit your souls voice & authentic expression.

Each session dives into a different facet of the process:

Session 1: Listening : The arts of listening, somatic exploration of beliefs, Recognizing patterns & core wounds, somatic vocal release & scanning

This is the session where we come into the deeper listening that is asked of us so we may  speak and embody from a clear source filled channel. In listening deeper to the wisdom of the body, we come into a state our nervous system can receive divine insight from. Exploring self inquiry, somatic practices, and vocal sounding to explore deeper layers of listening and how our beliefs influence the shape of what we hear. We explore the intimate connection between your relationship to your voice & creative expression and begin to dive into the waters of revelation.


Session 2: Revealing : Unmasking shame, guilt, fear & judgement, Somatic exploration & journaling, unveiling authentic expression, speaking Truth, Peeling away Layers ( emotional alchemy) , Womb-Heart-Mind Coherence.

This is the session were we get clear on what contract your soul|body is holding onto preventing the fullest expression of your expression and voice. This is the space to dive deep into ancestral, childhood, and societal programs that may be influencing the ability to tap into your souls authentic expression & voice. In bringing consciousness and light to these hidden programs & influences, space for alchemy is made available. We dive into the wound to reveal the gift & retrieve a lost part of the soul. This is explored through Drum journey meditation, vocal activation, exploring emotional sovereignty, speaking your true myth & hearts prayer into reality

Session 3: Discernment : Exploration of the mind & intuition, Functions of Intuition, thoughts influence on the body, cultivating trust & coherence, move from the feeling

This session we explore the language of the soul & mind, noticing the sensations in the body when it is the voice of the mind & when it is the deeper voice of spirit. As pathways are cleared and the soul has more room to express itself, the voices of the mind can come in even stronger. When we are close to freedom, the mind can sense the death that is taking place. Your trust is being placed more fully into the heart & spirit, and naturally the mind goes into fight or flight. In this session we are cultivating coherence

Session 4 : Receiving : The arts of surrender, Sacred reciprocity, exploration on your relationship to receiving from yourself & others, Journal explorations, being an open channel for source, central channel embodiment practices

Image by Galina N
Image by Luz Mendoza

Elemental Embodiment

Offering being woven

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